
Discover how world’s leading yards control the weight of their priced products!

Along with various other marine software products, Conceptia officiates as the authorized distributor for ShipWeight by B&A Software AS, a powerful marine software tool, in Singapore and in India. Conceptia has committed to do so understanding the paramountcy of weight estimation, calculation and control in shipbuilding.

To maintain and ensure important ship parameters such as deadweight, stability, speed, strength and sea keeping a reliable estimation of weight and center of gravity is important. Depending on the vessel type, one or more of these parameters can be crucially influenced by the weight, and a deviation between real and estimated weight can lead to reduced vessel performance. Significant deviation can result in rebuilding and late delivery of the vessel.

The areas where ShipWeight stands out in the market:

  • Statistical Estimate Approach
  • Weight Monitoring
  • Scalable Solution
  • One system for all types of floating structures
  • Improve future weight estimate systems

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